Saturday, December 13, 2014

Sky View Wins Mustang Invitational!

Results from the Mustang Invitational (December 13, 2014) have been posted under the Meet/Results tab.

The girls team finished in first place, the boys finished in second place.  With their scores added together...Sky View finished in FIRST PLACE overall.  Way to go Bobcats!

Friday, December 12, 2014

Mustang Invitational

The Mustang Invitational will be on Saturday, December 13.  The team bus will be at Sky View at 7:00AM.  Warm ups begin at 8:00 and the meet will start at 9:20AM.  There are four teams scheduled to compete: Sky View, Mountain Crest, Bear River, and Weber.

There will not be a bus to take the swimmers home, so please make arrangements.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Sky View vs Logan

Complete results from the Sky View / Logan meet as well as a link to the Herald Journal article are posted under the Meet Results tab.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Thanksgiving Invitational Results Posted and Thanksgiving Practice Schedule

Results from the 2014 Thanksgiving Invitational have been posted in the Meet Results tab at the top of the blog.

Thanksgiving Practice Schedule:
Wednesday, November 26: 7:30AM
Thursday-Saturday, November 27-29: Moratorium (no practice scheduled)
Monday, December 1: Practice resumes at normal time

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Meet Location Change

The Sky View vs Logan meet on December 4th will now be hosted by Logan.  The meet will be at 3:30 p.m. at the USU pool (in the HPER Building).  Logan should be providing the timers for this meet now.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Thanksgiving Invitational

Information on the 2014 Thanksgiving Invitational has been sent via email to parents and is posted under the Away Meet Information tab at the top of the blog.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Meet Results

Results for meets will be posted under the Meet Results / Press tab at the top.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

UEA Practice Schedule (2014)

Practice during the UEA break will be:

Thursday: 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m
Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
Saturday: 7:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Parent Meeting Tonight

Thank you to all those who came to tryouts for Sky View Swimming this year.  Congratulations to those who made our team for the upcoming season.

There will be an IMPORTANT Parent Meeting tonight, Oct 8, at 6:00 p.m. in the Sky View Team Room.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Tryout Information

Swim tryouts are Oct 6-7.  The paperwork due will be online this year and here are instructions to create an account and electronically sign the required documentation.

Let me know of any questions you may have (skyviewswimming{at}  Also, if you know of anyone who is planning to tryout but is not on our email list, feel free to forward this information.

Coach John Kane

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Region 5 Championships

Congratulations to both the boys and girls teams!  They each finished in 3rd place at the Region Championships on January 31.  The final team scores were:

1. Box Elder 289
2. Mountain Crest 276
3. Sky View 205
4. Logan 152
5. Roy 129
6. Bonneville 109
7. Ogden 51

1. Mountain Crest 339
2. Logan 233
3. Sky View 229 (so close!)
4. Box Elder 171
5. Bonneville 76
6. Roy 75
7. Ogden 74

Combined Team Scores
1. Mountain Crest 615
2. Box Elder 460
3. Sky View 434
4. Logan 386
5. Roy 204
6. Bonneville 185

7. Ogden 126

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Meet Mobile App

The 4A State High School Swimming Championships will be available on Meet Mobile.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Qualifying for the 4A State Championship Swim Meet

Qualifying for the State Swim Meets
The state meets for all classifications will be under a Timed Finals format.

The top two swimmers in each individual event at the 4A region championship meets will automatically qualify for the state meet. The remaining qualifiers will be based on the best verifiable times from qualifying or region meets to a total of 24 swimmers per individual event.

The top relay in each relay event at the 4A region championship meets will automatically qualify for the state meet. The remaining qualifiers will be based on the best verifiable times from the top 50 list or the region championship meet to a total of 16 relays in 4A.

Number of Alternates Allowed
Two alternates allowed for individual events. There will not be any alternate relay teams (i.e.17, 18). Non-individually qualified relay alternates for the entire meet will be limited to a total of four (4) per school.

Submitting and Verifying the State Entries
Coaches shall submit their state entries on the HY-TEK program and email them to State Meet Director.
·       Coaches are required to submit their state entries before 3 pm on:
o   4A-Wednesday, February 5

After submitting the state entries to the State Meet Director, coaches are responsible for the following:
o   24 hours after the state entry deadline, State Meet Director will email the unofficial meet & roster to coaches.
o   When coaches receive the unofficial meet & roster they shall do the following:
§  Carefully review the swimmers that qualified in the individual events.
§  Email State Meet Director the name of any swimmer not listed on the roster who will be a member of the relay team that will swim at state, along with the names of FOUR non-individually qualified relay alternates (TOTAL of four for each school, any combo of girls or boys, regardless of the number of relay events).
§   Coaches must email the final additions and changes by Sunday, February 9, (3:00 pm) for the 4A meet.
·       The OFFICIAL MEET will be emailed to 4A coaches on Sun., Feb. 9.

·       Two alternates allowed on individual events. There will not be any alternate relay teams (i.e., 17, 18).

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Highland Invitational this Friday and Saturday

JANUARY 10-11, 2014

1044 East Sugarmont Ave (2225 South) SLC, Utah 84106

Warmups Friday Jan. 10 @ 3:30pm. Competition will begin shortly after 4:00 pm.

TEAMS ATTENDING: Highland, Bingham, Pleasant Grove, Mountain Crest, Springville, Sky View and No. Summit.

Warmups Saturday Jan. 11 @ 8:00a.m. Meet begins shortly after 9:00a.m. 

Swimmers should have all of their gear ready to go as well as whatever they need to stay overnight at the hotel.  Swimmers attending this meet will need to pay for their hotel fees to the SV financial office.

Friday events will end after the 50 Free races.  The team will then travel together on the bus to our hotel where our team and coaches will have dinner together at the hotel.  The parent committee is coordinating dinner.  The team captains will make room assignments. Saturday morning breakfast is provided at the hotel and the Saturday events will begin at 9:00 a.m.